A Little Bit About Me and Guest Contributors Coming Soon!

Hi everybody I just want to let everyone know that I am going to be starting something new and exciting here on my food blog, starting off on my very next blog post over here at Passionate Foods for Sensual Souls I will occasionally be having guest contributors on my blog. These are people that I have personally sought out and have requested to be here and they are just as passionate about healthy sensual foods as I am. Each person will tell you a little bit about themselves and will have a beautiful and delicious recipe to share. Speaking of sharing a little bit about them self...

Photo by James H
I thought you all may want to know a little bit more about me and actually see the person behind the blog. Also as you all know this blog is devoted to healthy cooking that actually tastes good and about how food, cooking, eating and food presentation can all be sensual experiences. In 2011 I had to dramatically change my diet due to certain food sensitivities, since that time I have been cooking without gluten, refined sugars, MSG, cow’s milk, preservatives and minimally processed foods. The biggest challenge was...what in the world do I eat??? Followed by...how can I make food that does not taste like cardboard?? Next question was when I go out where can I eat? I have had time to get this pretty well figured out over the past several years (however eating out is still challenging). During this time I have come to enjoy cooking quite a bit.

One of my favorite things is cooking for others along with conducting food experiments in my home test kitchen. When I start off with a food experiment sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad but that is just the way the cookie crumbles. The bad food experiments go back to the drawing board for further testing and review. What I like most about cooking for others is when they tell me how delicious everything is and then when I tell them that there is no gluten, refined sugars, preservatives etc....the look of surprise on everybody face is priceless! By the time a recipe reaches the blog or a guest, all the kinks have been worked out, it is then thoroughly the bomb and has full on sensual flavor! Over time I started having friends, family and strangers even ask for my recipes, which brings me to this blog and is just one of the many reason why I started it in the first place. If you enjoy this blog be sure to stop by my companion blog and website: http://ladyl411.com/ which is all about sensuality, sexuality & spirituality. Plus you can connect with me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LadyL411/ & Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ladyl411/?hl=en

Until next time!


Elle Le Blanc aka Lady L
