How Cooking Can Change Your Life

Michael Pollan the author of the book: Cooked has made a video which I found very interesting and enlightening, here is the link I thought I would share with you all: How Cooking Can Change Your Life

A few of the things that stood out in particular to me in this video is how the potatoes that are used in McDonald's french fries are grown, particularly the pesticides used (I have not had a McDonald's french fry in years) also that corporate cooking is much more different than home cooking (which greatly confirms what I already knew) they use copious amounts of sugar, fat and salt in the foods which produces addictions in people, the corporations like to refer to the addictions to foods created with these items as "cravability" or "snackability" which is at best brainwashing.

The other interesting thing I learned is studies show that a poor woman that cooks at home has a far healthier diet than a rich woman that eats at a restaurant for every meal. Home cooking has taken a back seat to eating out, processed foods and quick meals, since that has happened obesity rates have sky rocketed. Cooking at home seems to have become a lost art and modern day marketing has us all brainwashed into thinking cooking at home is so time consuming and difficult, all of this is a big reason why I had decided to start this blog in the first place along with sharing my healthy recipes with people.

Cooking at home for me is very enriching experience; I enjoy picking out the whole nutritious foods that go into my cooking along with the cooking itself. Doing so ensures me as to what exactly is in each and everything I cook. To me cooking has gone from a necessity to a hobby and is swiftly becoming a passion of mine.

Until next time!


Lady L
